Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tuesday night at the Roses!

I went to Tralee on Tuesday night to have a look at what was going on. Well, they definitely brought the crowds back on to the streets of the town centre. Jessie Buckley drew a crowd. The kids loved her and they waved their National Lottery flags in appreciation. Even though, I think at times they got more excited seeing themselves on the big screen behind her. Despite that she did keep the crowd entertained with show tunes.

We wandered down to see Abba Delicious. What can I say? There are many people who will give out about Abba and their annoying songs but it cannot be denied that when the intro to Waterloo or Mama Mia begins everyone starts singing! They performed all the ususal Abba numbers. I couldn't stay to the end I was the designated driver and listening to more than 7 Abba songs stone cold sober was too much. But they were a good laugh and the atmosphere created by the music on the street, the markets and children's entertainment definitely made my festival experience a lot more entertaining.

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